Below is the downloadable form to complete:
Health and wellbeing self referral form
Many things can affect your Health and Wellbeing including anxiety, lack of motivation and isolation. A Health and Wellbeing Advisor may be able to help you.
What are Health and Wellbeing Advisors?
Sometimes you may need help or advice and your GP or nurse isn’t always the most appropriate person to go to.
A Health and Wellbeing Advisor will work with you to understand what would be most helpful for you and make positive changes towards your goals.
What support could be offered?
- Physical Activity/Mobility and Leading a Healthy Lifestyle
- Loneliness and Isolation
- Accessing Drugs or Alcohol Advice Services
- Employment and Volunteering
- Benefits, Housing and Debt Advice Services
- Education, Training and Learning
- Accessing Social Activities
- Mental Wellbeing or Stress
- Staying Independent at Home
- Bereavement
- And Much More
How it works?
A Health and Wellbeing Advisor will arrange an appointment with you so that you can get to know and learn a bit more about each other. Together you will discuss your interests and what matters to you and your wellbeing.
The Health and Wellbeing Advisor will continue to support and encourage you in taking the next steps with your goals and priorities.
How could you benefit?
- Increased Confidence
- Reduced Social Isolation
- Meet New People and Gain a Sense of Belonging
- Improved Mental Wellbeing and Quality of Life
- Gain Independence and Confidence
- Learn a New Skill
- Find a New Hobby
- Being More Active
- Access Training or Volunteering
- Improve Financial Resilience
Who is my local Health and Wellbeing Advisor?
Westrop Medical Practice has 2 Health and Wellbeing Advisors, Sophie Wilkins and Vanecia Halpin.
This service is free and available to anyone at a time that suits you. If you feel you would benefit from speaking to a Health and Wellbeing Advisor please download and complete this referral form which you can either email or hand into reception at your surgery.
For more information, please find a link to our leaflet here.
Health and Wellbeing Advisors ARE NOT medically trained and therefore cannot give any advice regarding conditions, symptoms, diagnoses or medication.
NHS Health and Wellbeing Advisors follow Social Prescribing which is part of the NHS Long-Term Plan to highlight the benefits of personalised care across the health and care system.
Personalised care means people have options over the way their care is delivered based on what matters to them and their individual strengths and needs. Enabling patients to feel informed, have a voice and be connected to each other and their communities.