Here you can find out how to register at our practice and read other important information for patients.
You can find out more by clicking the links on the left of this page.
Here you can find out how to register at our practice and read other important information for patients.
You can find out more by clicking the links on the left of this page.
If you are looking after an ill, frail or disabled family member or friend, then you are a carer. The person you look after may be elderly, have a physical...
Choose Well If you are injured or unwell there are a number of different NHS services that you can access. The list of options open to you can be found...
We take complaints very seriously. If you would like to make a complaint regarding the Practice or the services we offer, please contact your sites Practice Manager preferably in writing....
GP2GP – The practice operates the GP2GP process of transferring patient records electronically both out to new surgeries when our patients move, or in from other practices when patients move...
Home Visits How do I request a home visit? At Westrop Medical Practice, we have a home visit policy. This governs our approach to attending patients outside our usual...
Infection Control Statement We aim to maintain a safe working environment for all our staff, patients and visitors to the surgery and to help prevent the spread of healthcare associated...
Use of Benzodiazepines (and related medications) for flying Diazepam in the UK is a Class C/Schedule IV controlled drug. The following short guide outlines the issues surrounding its use with...
All patients at Westrop Medical Practice have a named, accountable doctor who is responsible for coordinating their care. Your named doctor will be allocated to you by the practice. You...
We respect your right to privacy and keep all your health information confidential and secure. It is important that the NHS keeps accurate and up-to-date records about your health and...
View details on our Patient Groups below and how you can join.
Patient Charter Your healthcare is provided through a partnership between yourself and the Primary Healthcare Team. The success of that partnership depends on an understanding of each others needs and...
Please check you are living within our catchment using this link: Westrop Catchment Tool : Scribble Maps If you are new to the area, and are living inside of one...
We (the NHS in England) are changing the way we store and manage your health records. Today, records are kept in all the places where you receive care. These places...
If you change name, address or telephone number, please let our receptionists know by completing one of our “Change of contact details” forms. Electronic versions of these can be found in...
The medical information on this website, and on any sites linked to from this website, gives general advice only and SHOULD NOT be used as a substitute for the personal...
We take seriously any threatening, abusive or violent behaviour against any of our staff or patients. If a patient is violent or abusive, they will be warned to stop their...
Improve your chronic health problem with the Westrop Metabolic Health Clinic (WMHC) What is it? The WMHC is a pioneering service that helps support patients with metabolic illness...
Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 28th September, 2015