Improve your chronic health problem with the Westrop Metabolic Health Clinic (WMHC)
What is it?
The WMHC is a pioneering service that helps support patients with metabolic illness improve their chronic health condition through supported lifestyle change.
Who is eligible?
Anybody with a condition caused by “insulin resistance” can join the clinic. This includes the following:
· Any patient with Type 2 Diabetes
· Prediabetics
· Patients with metabolic syndrome (a combination of raised blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugars and sometimes an increased waist circumference
· The majority of patients with fatty liver
· Patients with PCOS
· Some patients with gout
Why does it work?
These conditions can be caused by our lifestyle, in particular the foods that we eat. When diagnosed, we often use medication to help control the symptoms, whilst continuing to eat the same sorts of food that caused the problem in the first place. Unsurprisingly this results in the illness getting worse, and more and more medication is needed over time.
However if we change our diet we are tackling the root cause of the problem, and people get better without the need of medication. Even people who have had Diabetes or Prediabetes for many years can benefit massively from this approach, and can quickly notice improvements in their blood markers. Some people are able to come off medication, either partially or completely, and put their diabetes or chronic health problem into remission.
What is involved?
We support you in making sustainable changes to the food that we eat, and our team will guide you through the recommended changes, whilst personalising the support to ensure it is tailored for your own particular needs and goals.
Things that we will suggest include reducing processed carbohydrates and ultra processed foods, whilst enjoying more foods higher in natural fats. Some patients choose to try time restricted eating, and others benefit from wearing continuous glucose monitors to understand their own response to different foods. Whatever changes you choose what we don’t ask you to do is calorie count!
The programme runs over 12 months, with an initial group consultation followed by 3 one to one reviews with our metabolic health team. Regular blood tests help to demonstrate the effectiveness of the changes made. The focus is on sustainable changes – we aren’t looking for a quick fix, we want this to be something you can incorporate into your life in the long term!
What Support will I receive?
In addition to reviews you will also be enrolled in our telegram group. This mobile based app allows you to get support from the metabolic health team, as well as the community of patients who are sharing your journey.
We also offer a monthly Zoom meeting which covers a different educational topic each time, allowing you to build your knowledge around lifestyle changes that can benefit you in the long term.
Who runs the clinic?
We have a team of health coaches and GPs who have a special interest in metabolic health. The service covers all Westrop sites.
How do I enrol?
We would encourage you to come to one of our group meetings to find out more. If you think you are eligible please complete the form below. Your notes will then be reviewed by one of our team and you will be notified by text
message if you have been successfully added to the waiting list. You will then be invited to attend one of our group induction meetings.
We look forward to seeing you!